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Showing posts from February, 2017

The 18 Things Strong Worship Leaders Avoid

Strong worship leaders develop good attitudes and habits. They keep their heart, mind and spirit right before God and man. Check out these things that strong leaders don’t do, so you can grow and improve. 1. They don’t miss out on a daily time with God God is the reason for worship. He is the source of your success. Spending daily time with God, reading the word and in prayer, is the main key to being a strong worship leader. 2. They don’t pick songs that the congregation can’t sing and worship with If your congregation is not singing, you are not doing what you are called to do. Are you picking songs the congregation can learn quickly? Are you repeating the songs enough for your congregation to learn them? Are you picking great songs? Is your congregation just singing or are they worshiping with the songs? Are you putting them in singable keys?  3. They don’t choose a worship list without praying about it The Holy Spirit will bring songs to your mind that

Untill Poetry Found Me

I was a canoe without a paddle  A steed without a saddle A copter without a pilot An Abby without an abbot Until poetry found me . Life was downranged  Like fallen titanic Until poetry came . To snag aura With manus was my erstwhile dream, Woven like a basket, Intricate like the piano. Untill Poetry found me , Then I began to trek Simple path rammed with Dream Wisdom Knowledge Hope Faith. Nature became my chum Writing became the charm Though not yet flawless But one day I shall erect  A castle for my poesy For every eyes to see And it shall not be floorless. Dolapo ojo dapoet C)25/2/2017.

Make it possible

Make it possible I will chase,chase and chase If life is all about cat and rat, I will be birds that build nest To live and survive If world provides no house. Who says you must fall  Before you rise, The nest hangs on nothing Yet the birds toils in the day And lay a rest in the night. Be the dominion of your dream Cast aside the light that seem deem, Focus on the moon that brights And the sun that shines for the day. Make it possible. Be unstoppable, Thread on cobras and conquer jungles to reach the dream. Break all bridges built As the stepping stones to the dream. Insanity rules the world Who says the blind can't lead a nation. Everything is possible If you believe in it. Its possible,it's possible. You can run before been chased, Why waiting on a race That you can either win or lose When you can run alone  And crowned the winner. Free yourself free the body Don't fall before you rise Don&#

Just a Passerby

Aminat's brother was clobbered to death On the windy night of Friday, Stabbed a thousand time  Before leaving earth. News came ,that her brother is dead  The water rolling down from her eyes Is enough to erode olumo rock. But she was consoled to laugh instead. Tell me ,how does laughter suppress grief ? When you ought tell her to act and cry Because her brother is no longer with her  Gone and gone forever and that's brief. The cockcrow of yesterday Brought calamity for Mr Shodiya Because his baby girl was kidnapped And no where to be found today. Ask me ,where I was when all this was happening? I have been to Church  To pray for my own safety Because no one knows what's coming. My neighbour said, she saw the police  Collecting geld from one taxi driver  But she couldn't talk for the awe  Of what happened to her niece. The man at the corridor of the pub Was confirmed dead by our slim doctor Due to th