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Showing posts from May, 2017

Attitude Your Talent

Every talent is a lifestyle. Every talent God has given you is a prove that you have the capacity to maintain and grow in it till you reach the peck of impact. Talent is not some thing of Pride but it's of Price. Your talent comes along with a measure of responsibility that grows along with the level of your self development. It's okay for you to know you have a talent but it's time to attitude your talent. YOU DONT OWN YOUR TALENT, YOUR TALENT OWNS YOU. You can't just live like you like. You can't just join any association as you will. You can't do what every people do or decide on any thing you like. Your talent sets boundaries for you and designs your lifestyle. In any aspect of capacity of talent you operate in, THERE IS A SPECIFIC ATTITUDE AND LIFESTYLE NEED TO MAINTAIN AND GROW IN THAT CAPACITY OR TALENT. Don't just believe in your talent. Be ready to do what's needed to function in your talent through the kingdom perceptive. Every body o

Crown of Responsibility

Your talent is a seal of responsibility. The existence of your talent is a prove of a problem awaiting to be solve and a prove of a question awaiting to be answered. Your talent is a crown of responsibility to God first and then to your generation. Compassion is the seat of active responsibility. Without compassion, your talent won't make impact. Constant self development must be your lifestyle. The problems and questions your talent are designed to solve and answer always use to grow with time. It's a must you always grow in self development along with the demand life places on your talent. The greatest enemy of your talent is your previous success. To advance in the area of your talent, you must be blind to your past achievements and focus on the unsolved problems and unanswered question in front of you. COMFORT IS YOUR GREATEST ENEMY. You don't have to be 100% perfect before you use your talent to help your self and your generation. COMPASSION is the way fo


How can we work, When we can't walk. How can we walk, When we can't think  How can we think, When there's no Hope. How can Hope abide, When there's no peace. How can there be peace, When there's no YOU. We are so incomplete without YOU. Your voice, unheard. Your ideas, unfetched. Your dreams, so dormant. Your support, unavailable. Your purpose, undiscovered. Africa! Africa! Arise and sit on your throne. You can impact if only you believe. Don't think so far! Africa is you. Africa is me!  #PrinceVictorMatthew #BabaLove #TruLove is me