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Showing posts from August, 2017

Be Open To God

BELOVED OF GOD!  The manifestation of your talent and creativity has no limit. It's manifestation is dependent on the quality and measure of your preparation.   Stop wishing and start working. Every result desired by you will demand you doing something.   Your talent is a seed of solution and answer to issues of life. You need to water it through research and self-discipline. You must soak yourself in the influence of the Word of God. You must submit to the tutorial of the Holy Spirit.  You are an answer to your generation but you must give room to the Lord to answer the question of your life.  You are the solution to your generation but you must allow the Holy Spirit to solve the problems of your life.  The problem is ignorance and the questions are the fears, worries and doubts.  Be open to God and be ready to be responsible and accountable to God and your self in this talent and creativity God has deposited in you.  Shalom!  Jesus Loves You!

Passion Bank

Dear Writers!  Dear Poets! Dear Public Speakers!   I want you to understanding that they are times your passion and zeal goes down. They are times you won't feel like writing or speaking. These times are normal.  I call these times - the zero hour or the zero zone!  As this point when your passion or zeal tank is empty is when you remember "the why" behind your passion, What inspires you to write? Whose pain do you feel the most? What impact do you desire to create? Whose problem doe you seek to solve? Whose question do you seek to answer?  Think on the consequences if you don't write, and speak. Think of how many things will go wrong. Thing of the wrong decision people will make because your write up, poem and speech was not there to lead them. If you can see all that will go wrong and the harm that will be created if you afford to be absent; you will be able to encourage your self and re-fire your passion.  I know some people are no

Date Your Talent

Gifted hands I want you to understand that people who have failed in the area of their talent are people who lack a personal relationship with their talent. Excellence is always the harvest you gain from the discipline and relationship you have invested into your talent. If you must cultivate excellence in your talent, you must embrace and deliberately engage in having a relationship with your talent. Discover your talent.  Identify your talent.  Embrace and accept your talent.  Constantly engage in self development.   Prepare towards the excellence that awaits for you in future.  MAKE FRIENDS IN THE AREA OF YOUR TALENT.  Engaging a constant relationship with your talent must be deliberate.  How much information or knowledge do you have about your talent?  How much understanding do you have about your talent?  What skill do you need for your talent to excel?  Thank God for what you use to know about talent but what's your recent discoveri

I Need Help (Poem)

*I need help!*  He is strong. He is brave. He is handsome.  He is visionary  BUT HE HAS FEARS.  He has a plan defined.  He is determined. He is specific  He is man  BUT HE HAS HIS DOUBTS He promise you the future .  He upholds his pride.  He assures all is well. He makes you laugh.    YET HE IS WORRIED Even when he cries,  He is smiling.  When he is in pain, He still gives you a shoulder to rest on.  YET HE DOESNT GET A THANK YOU. ALL HE GETS IS BEING JUDGED AND CONDEMNED.  He is a man but he's human like you. He is a king but he is not perfect.  He is your hero, but hero's needs help too.  He also needs love, care and attention just like you do. He is a man and he also needs help too. I need Help! #PrinceVictorMatthew  #PVM  #BabaLove  #HopeXpressionTeensYouthForum

What About Me? (Poem)

*what about Me?*  You admire the beauty. You love the curves and shape.  You just want all of her. BUT WHAT CAN ADD MORE VALUE TO HER?  You beg. You call. You text. All you want is her saying "yes" Your greed, the proposal. You  want her to accept you. Will you accept her?    You want her hugs. But will you be Truthful? You want her to stand by you.  Will you fight to protect her? All you want is your satisfaction.  WHAT ABOUT HER?  All you want is your happiness. WHAT ABOUT HER HAPPINESS?  All you want is your own success.  WHAT ABOUT HER OWN SUCCESS.  You want her to live for you.  WILL YOU DIE FOR HER? What about her. WHAT ABOUT HER. Be a little bit considerate. Just maybe, that's all you need to do to be happy and loved. Love and be lovable.  WHAT ABOUT HER?   ##BabaLove#  #trulove is me. #HopeExpression  #PVM  #PrinceVictorMatthew

Saying "Yes" to your Talent

beloved! Your talent is a gift and also a responsibility. I have seen gifted hands fail and they blame people or government or system. The last time I checked, every one that Made it in the area of their talent had excuses to stop or quit at one point or the other. But they refuse to quit instead, they cultivated a relationship with their talent.  It's time for you to DATE your talent. It's time to gain more knowledge, wisdom and understanding about what you have as a talent.  All you know about your talent is not all there is to know; learn!  The Holy Spirit is the life of your talent and Jesus is the inspiration of your talent. Cultivate A RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR TALENT and I want you to do that through the Holy Spirit. Learn to know what the word of God has to say and instruct you; in the area of your talent.  This is necessary! It's all about RELATIONSHIP.

Tips for writers

Passion is the seat of creativity. If you are not passionate about a topic, don't write it.  Begin a writer does not mean you write all topics.  Find the area of your passion and stay there. In writing or in talent - passion is the seat of authority.

Tips for poets and writers

Stay in touch with your true feeling. Your poem and article is actually the extension of your self, and your true nature. Don't write your article with your hands; write your article with your heart. If you don't feel it in your heart and if you don't see it in your heart, don't write it.  Reciting the poem must come from the seat of your passion. Feel the words before you speak them. Taste every statement before you feed them to your audience.  The spirit behind your article is actually the passion in your heart. If you don't write with passion, the people reading your article won't feel the message. People can forget what you tell them but they will never forget the experience you offer them. A writer or poet is a creator of experience through their passion and knowledge on a specific topic Shalom!

Tips for Public Speakers

- When you are given a topic, make sure you study and make research on your topic. - Embrace simplicity in delivering your talk. Avoid too much grammar. Be so simply that even an eight years old child can understand you.  - Arrival at the venue on time - 10 or 15mins before the program starts.  Be wise!

Tips for public speakers

Manage your time well. When you are given 20min for a lecture or speech, make sure you stop 18mins. The respect you place on the time of the organiser of the program and the audience will determine if they will invite you again.  it's better you stop when they are asking for more than for you to overstay on your lecture - till they begin to whispers "is his or her not yet up?" Be wise!


There lives a man of virtue, Dwell in him venoms of boiling kettle. Married the beauty from the sun That set from the west and rise in the east. The only daughter of prince of Persia, Her waist dances along the beads The crown of her head heavier  Than the sand crust of olumo rock. She's the beat of every man's chest A glance of her gives no rest, The voice she behold is from above Her passage fumes out colouration of her beauty. She speaks like a new angel, Look at the dot on her forehead. The symbol that shines like the crystal. Virginity is her theme of love. The man lives well as a man Envy crushed him into a wheelchair. His fear playing on his crippled leg Now the beauty is at his feet Feeding him day and night. Love beyond the jungle. Ayobamiayanfemi Chosen Star Poet Aybam

Prince Victor Matthew - I Am

*IT'S ME*  Every morning, When I wake up. You're with me.  You know me, because you're always with me. In every pain, You are there.  You felt my struggles.  You hear my tears.  You always see the pain behind my smile. When I'm excited!  You rejoice with me. When I'm rejected, You stayed with me.  You know my strength & weakness.  You are strong!  You are smart!  You are creative!  You are the best!  You are courageous!  You are a king! You are a Father! You are loving!  You are a lover! You are a man! You are a Husband! You are a communicator! You are CEO!  You are COO!  You are determined! You are focused!  You are a mentor!  You are a teacher! You are a protector! You are visionary!  You are a cultivator!  You are a leader!  You are a brother! You are a friend! You are a son! You are a student! You are a disciple! You are merciful!  You are a disciplinary! Yo

Rejoice Youngheroine - I Am

Courage is what makes us Courage is what divides us Courage is what drives us Courage is what stops us I am amazing Incredible me Celebrating the being  I choose to be. I'm uniquely spectacular I'm one of a kind Creativity oozes From my heart and mind I'm stupendous, tremendous I stand out from the crowd  I do things That aren't allowed I'm inspired, desired I'm wonderfully wired I'm unbridled passion I'm highly revered  I'm outrageous, contagious I'm daring and bold  I'm honored and cherished I'm a treasure to hold I am gifted,uplifted I'm endlessly blessed I'm sought out for the skill I possess  I'm delightful, insightful I'm loved and adored I live a charmed life I'm renewed and restored I am greatful,elateful  I'm centered and wise I'm wealthy and worthy I'm God in disguise I declaire my brilliance It won't