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Showing posts from November, 2017

There Is A Pattern

Talent is so powerful and creativity is glorious. I need you to know that Your  talent is a tool but won't function if some things are lacking.  Any talent that lacks the backing of the studying of God's word, meditation and a prayerful life is risky. Without this, you will get great success but it will lead to death. Any success in God in the place of your talent must grow through the studying of the Scriptures and prayerful lifestyle.  Skills are not enough.  Talent is not enough.  You need LIFE!  You need to be full of God in other for you to be able to impact your generation.  The greatest peck of your talent is when your talent gives God pleasure!  It's time to establish your self in the studying of God's Word and in prayer.  THERE IS A PATTERN GOD HAS DESIGN FOR YOUR TALENT- discover it!   *Stay strong and do it God's Way!*