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Showing posts from February, 2018

Don't Keep Silent

Poets   Writers  Public Speakers  Don't shut your mouth. Don't keep silent. Don't be afraid. Don't be proud.  Do your best to do and become what God has created you to do. Some people will mock you and some people will think you are not serious but do your best to be deliberate about the passion and the message God has place in your heart for this generation.  No body might hear your name and you might not end up coming to the spot light but don't leave this earth with the impact God created you to release here on earth.  Don't despise what you have within you. You are the first of your kind and you are the solution and inspiration this generation have being waiting for.  More grace - I believe in the Grace of Christ at work in you!  Be encouraged  Be inspired!   #HopeExpression #PrinceVictorMatthew

Embrace Your Talent

People go to the university to study a course for four or five years but when was the last time you studied your talent and creativity?   Do you even know what your talent is all about? When was the last time you got a current information about your talent?  Do you understand your talent and when was the last time you go a fresh understanding about your talent?  Do you even know why God gave you this talent?  Do you know how God wants you to express this talent he has given you?  Do you know how God wants you to daily or constantly prepare your talent and creativity?   Stop the excuses because your lacks are not your limitation. Your limitations are your inaction towards your talent and creativity.  Be deliberate about your talent and be responsible for your talent.  Be encouraged  Be inspired  #HopeExpression #PrinceVictorMatthew