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Showing posts from March, 2018

Your Talent Needs You.

The greatest strength you can enjoy from your talent depends on the intimacy you have with your talent  Just the way you need your talent to become this person God has created you to become, so do your talent also need you for constant growth and improvement.  Many people are so concern about this question- do you know your talent? But the real question is, do your talent know you?  You need to develop a healthy relationship with your talent and keep in touch with your talent always through self development.   Writing is a talent.  Talent.  is a talent. Listening is a talent.  Any thing you can natural do with pleasure or without stress is a talent!   WE WERE BORN NAKED BUT NONE OF US WAS BORN EMPTY.  Give more attention to your self and discover your talent. Your talent is already in you, discover it and own it!  BREAKING NEWS!  Your talent needs you.  Be inspired  Be encouraged  #HopeExpression  #PrinceVictorMatthew  #BabaLove