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The Beauty of Talent - Part 2

The richest on our planet lies in your local cemetery or graveyard. Buried beneath the soil within the walls of those scared grounds are dreams that never came to pass, songs that were never sung, books that were never written, paintings that never filled a canvas, ideas that were never shared, visions that never became a reality, inventions that were never designed, plans that never went beyond the drawing board of the mind, and purpose that were never fulfilled. Our graveyards are filled with potential that remained potential. 


Only a minute percentage of the five billion people on this planet will experience a significant portion of their true potential. ARE YOU GOING TO BE A CANDIDATE FOR CONTRIBUTING TO THE WEALTH OF THE CEMETERY? Ask your self the following question;

Who am I?

Why am I here?

How much potential do I have?

What am I capable of doing?

By what criteria should I measure my ability?

Who sets the standards?

By what process can I maximize my ability?

What are my limitations?

Within the answers to these questions lies the key to a fulfilled, effective life – BEAUTY OF TALENT.

Only a minute percentage of the five billion people on this planet will experience a significant portion of their true potential. 

One of the greatest tragedies in life is to watch potential die untapped. Many potentially men and women never realize their potential because they do not understand the nature and concept of the potential principle. As God has revealed to me the nature – there’s a wealth of potential in you. I know, because God has shown me the vast store He placed in me. My assignment today is to help you understand that potential and bring it out. You must decide if you are going to rob the world or bless it with the rich, valuable, potent, untapped resources locked away with in. You are more that what you have done.

By divine revelation, TALENT is an earthly body that carries, and expresses the strength and beauty of God’s Nature. TALENT are image and experience that reveal the creative power of God Almighty. She is the natural material deposited into man to display to the earth God’s ability, and creativity. Discover yourself and be the person God has created you to be. The only response you need to make in life is your ability to say yes to the call of your destiny.

You are the best in your own role of assignment here on earth! Take charge of what the Lord has kept with you and be free to be what God has called you to be.

In other words, you must learn to stay connected to the people around you through your TALENT. Look out for common ground and common interest surrounding your TALENT and relate with people through them or learn to relate with other people through their own God’s given TALENT. You can also learn to relate with people that has TALENT that compliments your own TALENT. It is not about similarity alone, it is about complimentary too. People will only feel secure and confident to relate and communicate with you when you approach them with ideas or conversations they can relate or find connection.

Be confident of what you have discovered and help others to discover and be confident of the BEAUTY OF THE TALENT. The BEAUTY OF TALENT is your DIVINE PURPOSE. The beauty of your DIVINE PURPOSE is your POTENTIAL. 



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