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Showing posts from April, 2017

Lying is a Thief!

Like a shelter. Like a clothing. Like a defence. Like a rescue. That's all I saw at first. Awaken by the Holy Spirit. I'm now with regrets. Shame flooding my eyes. As pain storms heart. I thought I found help but I was wrong. The same thing. The same experience. The same truth. I ran aways from. Is standing here stirring at me. I thought I escaped. I thought I was smart. I thought I was deceiving every one. But I was wrong. I deceived my self. I destroyed my own shelter. I buried my own value. I am naked and exposed. I thought "lying" would help me. But I was wrong!  Lying is a thief! It has stolen the same thing I was protecting. Truth! Truth! Let me feel your warm embrace. Hold me and don't let me go. Lies! Lies! It's over! I'm breaking up with you! I can't trust you any more! I'm in love with "the truth." Good bye! #princevictormatthew #BabaLove

The Light House

24/04/2017 05:29 A couple of years back, I saw a great light. And this light was shinning so  bright it was impossible to ignore, And so i decided to move forward and enter into the light, And since then life has never remained the same, Its always from one good thing to another , from big things to bigger things. And then I thought about the people who were with me , Didn't they also see the light. So I told the owner of the house that I would be back soon. Upon getting back to where my friends were , I discovered that they could not look at me as I seemed to be shinning brighter than the sun its self. I told of the great light I entered into and of the wonderful happiness that followed, But they told me to go to hell, and called me a bible freak, They told me they'd rather hold on to their bottles of beer and packets of cigarettes, I tried to explain to them again , But they were deaf to everything I said, They told me that ther


Karma 17/04/2017 14:22 Little drops of water  Made the little streams, The little streams, Made the lakes . And the little lakes, Made the big rivers, And this big rivers   Made the mighty oceans. The little things we do,  Sum up and become bigger things, Our little acts of goodness will eventually become great acts of mercy for us, A deed done is a seed sown .  Sow wheat and reap wheat, Sow corn and you will reap corn .  So . Do good and good will come to you Do evil and the same will happen  to you .  And remember karma is a big bad bitch. And she'll find you no matter what. And fortunately she ain't got no deadline.                                             by: Shadow                                 ig@original_savage100   copyright.2017 Adesina David Ayo

Bar Guest

BAR GUEST Men of ungodly hour In bars you build a tower, Drinking till stupor  Walking home until the fall. You have lost your power of reason Forgotten it comes not in season Jail cells,temporary home From the permanent zone. You takes all joy away Heineken and beer you slayed This making you insane And causing you internal pain. Men of godly hour Where is my family? This you suddenly ask From neighbours and pals. Your vomit is still fresh, The daily milk you feed to dogs Has turned you wreck Day in,week out. you trek your foot. Careless Life You live Daughter and Son you kill In the society of shame and disgrace Of the rough living stunt you pulling Remember the day you were born The daylight paint on you You hated it there But admiring it here in the gathering of pot bellied grey headed men. Is this life you truly wish??

Sweet Darling!

Sweet darling! You've always being there for me, You loved me even when I doubted you. You gave your best even when I was unfailthful. The more I ran away from you, the more you longed for me. Sweet darling. I know what love is now because you taught me. You didn't just teach me, you gave me an experience. You saw the best in me, when every one saw the worst in me. I was hopeless, you made me an icon of Hope! Sweet darling! I was guilty yet you took the blame. I needed love, you accepted me. You added value to my life. You are my smile. Sweet darling! My shame, you took away. My regrets, you reconciled. My pain became your pain. My sins, you took upon yourself. You are the fire - I am your flame! Thanks you for loving me. JESUS - I'M SO GRATEFUL.


FREEDOM Little do I know about father Or the menses of my mother, Caged in the cell of life Since the day of my birth. Little do I know about his death, Caused by his drunkenness Hatched with cigarette Filled in regret. What am I to gain  From a father of pain Bondage I am in vain No sight of the sun ray. Freedom I craved for Death took him away To create a way on the lane of life, To have breath of space. #freedom from cruel father #word to the world

Hey Beauty!

Hey Beauty! Hello beauty. When you smile, They suspect you. When you cry, They say you are weak. When you dream, They say you are proud. When you don't dream, They say you are lazy. Even your effort, is not valued. They abuse you in public, Yet they seek your help in secret. They don't nurture you, Yet they feed on your beauty. Hello beauty - I see your pain. Being a female is a blessing. Don't fight these people. Turn your pain to passion. Develop your "capacity." Soon, your CAPACITY will become their CROWN. You! I mean you as a lady, You are the Glory of the man! #babalove #PVM #PrinceVictorMatthew #ThePlatform #HopeExpressionForum