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Nurture Your Talent

Our God is a loving Father because He shared His Nature with us. God is not through with creation yet; He is counting on us keep creation on earth continuous. God has a plan for creating us into this world and one of those purposes is for him to reign in this earth through our lives. This is the will of God for us in this generation; making this world a better place through our creativity and talent.

When I write, “nurture her,” I mean nurture your talent. Nurturing her is all about giving more attention to your talent. Nurturing her is all about watering your talent with time and preparation. I rate your talent with ‘her’ because your have the capacity to produce improvement, change and creativity. Youths and teenagers must come to understand that their talent is their authority. 

Taking the parable of the talent as a case study; no human is empty. Talent resides in every one. Irrespective of any physical defect in your body, you have a talent that is irreplaceable. Your lacks or limitation is never an excuse for you to believe you are empty without talent. Your talent is Gods gift to you for the purpose of adding value to your generation.

Poverty is not the absence of money; it is the ignorance of your talent. Money will always serve people who have nurtured their talent to meet up the needs of their time. Deformity is not about the physical blindness; it is the mind blindness, your inability to see your talent. Either you are eleven years or twenty one years, there is a talent God has kept in you and this world is in need of it.

As youths and teenagers, having talent is not enough; you must nurture your talent. It is your duty to know why God gave you the talent within you. It is your responsibility to know how God wants you to manifest your talent. It is your responsibility to know the impact your talent can create in this generation. It is your responsibility to know the worth of your talent. It is your responsibility to create time for your talent. It is your responsibility to invest into your talent. It is your responsibility to guard your talent. It is your responsibility to own your talent. 

What is talent?
Talent is capacity, ability and endowment of Gods Grace upon your life for the solving of problems. Your talent is a capacity within you. Your talent is all you can do but have not done. Your talent is all you can become but have not become. Your talent is not all you are now; it is all you are becoming daily. Your talent is solution personified. The beauty of your talent is revealed when it manifest. Knowing you have a talent is not enough; you must understand how God has designed your talent to function.

How is talent?
Your talent is specific in nature. Your talent is designed to function in a specific pattern. You might have the same talent like your friend but will never operate the same way. There is a unique pattern attached to every talent irrespective of the similarity. Talent operates through family concept; stay in your own uniqueness and with people of like mind. You must locate your family; your families are people who possess the same kind of talent within you.  Your family can also be people with talents that are different from you yet they compliment your own talent. You talent can operate through compatibility and complimentary. Irrespective of tribe or nationality, you must learn to understand that isolation kills creativity. Your talent is self-inspiring; which means you don’t need to wait for people to inspire you before you embrace your talent. You are born with your talent but your must discover and nurture your talent. Your talent will function well when you add skills to your talent. Skills can be said to be the intellectual knowledge of how your talent functions. Skills are learnt but talents are discovered. Your Talent + your Skill = creativity. The capacity of your talent is limitless; it’s deeper than the dept of an ocean.

Why is talent needed?
There is a specific purpose why God gave you this talent; creativity. God gave you this talent because your talent is a specific solution to a specific problem. God gave you this talent because your talent is the specific answer to a specific question. Your talent was given to you by God to make this world a better place. God gave you this talent because your talent is the platform for God to express His plan. Your talent is the only platform God has for expressing His plans and intention on earth. Your talent was given to you by God so that your talent will become the light in the darkness. Your talent was given to by God for you to serve your generation. Your talent discover by you is an invitation to serve this generation. Your talent is not about you; it’s all about meeting the need of your generation. There is a need crying to be met because your talent hasn’t grown to maturity. Some prayers have not being met because you have not discovered and nurtured your talents. Some problem this generation have is cause by lack of invest and productivity. Without your talent, some invention and productivity will never show up. You are enjoying facebook today become some one discovered His talent and nurtured it. The computer system you are using is some one’s talent and creativity. The iphone 5 or 6 you use to prove you are important is someone else talent and creativity. You were created by God so you can continue creation; talent is the life and strength of creativity. Don’t just sit and enjoy people’s talent, and creativity; it’s time for you to discover and nurture your own creativity. I so much believe the reason why AIDS has not gotten cure is because some one, some where have not discovered his or her talent. 

What is nurturing?
Discovering your talent is not enough; nurture your talent. Nurturing your talent is all about your making research about your talent. Nurturing your talent is about PREPARATION. Preparation is not a one time event, it’s a daily practice. Nurturing your talent is you preparation; preparing your talent and preparing your self. Your talent needs you and you need your talent. Without you, your talent will die and without your talent, you will be frustrated. Nurturing your talent is you preparing to know and understand the nature of your talent. You don’t just nurture your talent alone; you must also nurture your self. There is a lifestyle you must embrace in other to cooperate with your talent. Creativity is when you cooperate with the nature of your talent in other to meet a need.

Why is nurturing important?
Nurturing your talent is necessary because of creativity. I have seen talented but frustrated youths and teenagers. Talent is not enough; nurture your talent. If you don’t constantly nurture your talent, your capacity will be undeveloped and it kills creativity. Your creativity will always be at the level how you have nurtured your talent. Nurturing your talent is the discipline needed for you and your talent to grow for impact. Nurturing your talent is the deliberate action needed for the constant improvement you need. The necessity of your talent is the need it was designed to meet. As long as people have needs waiting to be met, you and your talent must keep improving according the demand of need. Arrival mentality is the enemy of talent and creativity; nurture your talent daily.
How do you nurture?
The best way for you to keep nurturing your talent is in you relating with the giver of the talent. Your personal relationship with God is the foundation of the nurturing process of your talent. The Word of God is the greatest inspiration for your talent and creativity. God is not just interested in your talent and creativity; he is more concern in how you nurture and function in your talent. How do you nurture your talent? Do you get drunk to gain inspiration? Do you smoke to gain inspiration? Do you take hard drugs to gain inspiration? Discovering your talent and being willing to nurture it is not enough; who is your inspiration? Who is your inspiration; God or other factors? Learning the skill for your talent is not enough; how are you learning it and who are looking up to? A lot of people have sold their soul to the devil just to add skills to their talent. This is wrong. A lot of people have join cultism just to gain the skill needed for the creativity required for the invention they seek. This is not the will of God. How are you nurturing your talent? Any way is not the way; God’s way is the only way. In this kingdom of God, there is a kingdom way of discovering your talent. There is God’s way for learning the required skill your talent needs. There is a God way for cooperating with your talent and creativity to achieve creativity. There is also the devils way for discovering your talent. There is also the devils way for learning the skill required for your talent. There is also the devils way for cooperating with your talent and skill to gain creativity. HOW DO YOU NURTURE YOUR TALENT?

When do you nurture?
There is no better time for you to nurture your talent than now. You might be busy but if you value your talent, you will create time for it. If you value your talent, you will begin to ask the Holy Spirit question on what He wants you to do about your talent. If you value your talent, you will start making friends according to the nature of your talent. Now is the time for you to take proactive steps towards you nurturing your talent. Kill the procrastination and make a deliberate act towards you nurturing your talent. All you have achieved through your talent is not all you are; there is still more. All you understand about your talent is not all there is to understand; there is more. The level of your creativity is not the highest peck you can reach; there is still more. Apart from whom you have become, lift up your eyes and see this person you are becoming daily. Your voice was supposed to be heard; nurture your talent.

Where do you nurture?
The best place to nurture your talent is in the presence of the Lord. The best place for you to nurture your talent is in the midst of God’s people. You must use God’s principle to nurture your talent. Don’t mind the media or society; stay in the uniqueness of your talent and shine God’s light. People might mock you but there is nothing wrong with being a Jesus baby or a Church boy. Poets, it’s time to nurture your talent in Gods way. Song writers, it’s time to nurture your talent in Gods way. Public Speakers, it’s time to nurture your talent in Gods way. Vocalist, it’s time to nurture your talent in Gods way. Actors and actresses, it’s time to nurture your talent in Gods way. Script writers, it’s time to nurture your talent in Gods way. Programmers, it’s time to nurture your talent in Gods way. Music instructors, it’s time to nurture your talent in Gods way. Record labels, its time to nurture your people in Gods way. Swimmers, it’s time to nurture your talent in Gods way. Photographers, it’s time to nurture your talent in Gods way. Fashion designers, it’s time to nurture your talent in Gods way. Models, it’s time to nurture your talent in Gods way. Are you into sport? It’s time to nurture your talent in Gods way. Shoe makers, it’s time to nurture your talent in Gods way. Clothing lines, it’s time to nurture your talent in Gods way. Hair stylist, it’s time to nurture your talent in Gods way. Artist of all kind, it’s time to nurture your talent in Gods way. All the youths and teenagers reading this, it’s time to nurture your talent in Gods way.

Stop the complaining. It’s okay that you don’t have the money but what are the opportunities surrounding you? How many decent books have you read in the area of your talent? How many decent documentaries have to researched and read in the line of your talent? Don’t tell me what you don’t; use what is available to you now. Your limitation is actually an invitation to creativity and diversity. Instead of making excuses with what you lack, make use of what you have. Even if no body will listen to your poem, keep writing your poem till Angels begin to gain interest in it. You don’t need people to believe in your talent before you start nurturing it; believe in your talent. You don’t need people to value your talent before you nurture your talent; value your talent. THE FIRST PERSON YOU NEED TO SUCCEED IN YOUR TALENT IS GOD AND THE SECOND PERSON YOU NEED IS YOURSELF. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and don’t depend on your understanding. In every issue concerning your talent, acknowledge God and He shall direct your path.

Jesus loves you so much! 
If you have not received Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour, I bless this is the right time! 


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