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Showing posts from October, 2017

Talent Wiithout God is DEATH

Beloved of God!  I want you to understand that your talent can function without God.  Talent is self dependent!  Without the influence of God, talent can yield you fame, money and pleasure. This can be but the end will be destruction. That's why you see most successful talented people commit suicide at the peak of their career.   So, talent is not enough. Don't aim the spot light; think of the life after the spot light. After the fame, and money; what next.?  They are lots of talented people well known worldwide that became drug addicts after achieving what people call success.  Talent with the absence of the knowledge of your calling, vision, assignment and relationship with the Lord - will lead you into frustration.  Narrow is the way into your destiny but wide is the way to self destruction.   Don't focus on the talent but focus on what the Lord want to achieve with the talent He has given you.  Success is not a prove God is involv

Talent is a TOOL

Beloved of God!  I want you to understand that every talent with you is a TOOL. Don't make ministry out of your talent.  Many believers of Christ have made mistake in life and destiny by making their talent, their ministry.  Your talent is a TOOL God has given you to help you do the Work of the ministry better.  Singing is not a ministry.  Dancing is not a ministry.  Drama is not a ministry. Playing any musical instrument is not a ministry.  Etc… These are tools God has given you to enhance the real ministry God has given you. Every talent you have must have a direction through the calling or vision God has given to you. Your talent will be a waste when you have not yet discovered your calling in Christ, the vision and purpose, the plan of God, the assignment and your message.  Every talent must stand on the following to function well!  - Calling.  What God wants to use the tool (talent) to do in this generation.  - Purpose.  Wh