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Talent is a TOOL

Beloved of God! 

I want you to understand that every talent with you is a TOOL. Don't make ministry out of your talent. 

Many believers of Christ have made mistake in life and destiny by making their talent, their ministry. 

Your talent is a TOOL God has given you to help you do the Work of the ministry better. 

Singing is not a ministry. 
Dancing is not a ministry. 
Drama is not a ministry. Playing any musical instrument is not a ministry. 

These are tools God has given you to enhance the real ministry God has given you.

Every talent you have must have a direction through the calling or vision God has given to you.

Your talent will be a waste when you have not yet discovered your calling in Christ, the vision and purpose, the plan of God, the assignment and your message. 

Every talent must stand on the following to function well! 

- Calling. 
What God wants to use the tool (talent) to do in this generation. 

- Purpose. 
What God wants to achieve after you might have constantly used your talent according to His instruction.  

This is "how" God wants you to use the talent and the clarity of what must drive your passion. 

- Assignment. 
The problem God intend to use the talent to solve in this generation. 

- Message. 
This is the mentality or mindset God wants to use your talent to break, and what God wants to use your talent to build.

As you can see, your talent is not your ministry and first priority. Your first priority is your personal relationship with the one that gave the talent and the understanding and implementation of how the Lord wants you to use this talent. 

Any talent you have and yet lack your personal calling, vision, purpose, vision, assignment and message - such is an evil thing unto the Lord.

I encourage you today to lift your eyes from the talent and place your eyes on the GIVER of the talent. 

Make it your duty to see your talent as a TOOL instead of you seeing it as a MINISTRY. 

Your talent should not demand more time and attention more than the time and attention you invest in relating with the God that gave you the talent. 

Your talent can created a distance between you and the God of the talent. Your talent can become a tool you use in pleasing the God that gave you the talent. 

Beloved, allow the clarity of God's Word and the clarity of the nature of your talent dwell in you richly in Jesus Name. 




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