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Showing posts from February, 2023

Dear Writers (Part 2)

Becoming a healthy writer, you must understand the pattern of your originality. Pay attention to the pattern of your thinking pattern. Write in the same way you think. There is no body that thinks exactly and in the same pattern as you. You must utilize that unique side of you and stay original. You might learn from mentors and role models but never you step out of your own uniqueness. WRITE IN THE SAME DIRECTION OF YOUR THOUGHTS AND THINKING PATTERN. You need to write according to the pattern and direction of your strongest curiosity in your mind. Allow the questions in your heart to guide you and dictate where you invest more of your time, attention and effort. This is the reality that will make you the best in your own world. Don't stop writing until you have pressed into ideas and have expressed those idea through your writing. In other words, until your curiosity is appealed or satisfied with the simplicity and clarity of the ideas written, don't stop writing. Irrespective

Dear Writers (Part 1)

Writing can be a story telling, mind exposure, and a mission to help people to unlearn, relearn, improve, repair or adjust a specific idea or knowledge. Writing is a an inborn talent and to others, it is a skill that can be learnt. It is the act of expressing your ideas and thoughts for the benefit of the reader. Writing is not a game but an assignment. To some people, it's a war to attack a wrong idea. To some people, it's a rescue mission. To some people, it is a protect an idea. To some people, it is a mission to expose wrong knowledge. Irrespective of all I have written to introduce the art of writing, I will like to classify writing into two dimension; informative writing and instructional writing. Every healthy article or book must contain the informative and instructional dimension to help the reader to become and practice the knowledge gotten. Irrespective of the knowledge you are giving via writing, if your reader lacks the knowledge of practicing the knowledge shared

Talent & Kingdom Wealth

The only secret to kingdom wealth is TALENT. Any successful person in the kingdom is riding on good management and deploying of their talent. Talent is the inborn or learnt ability that have the capacity of creating and providing a solution to humanity. God does not give people money, he offers them talent. Your inability to cultivate, and deploy your talent will leave you in scarcity. Divine Favour is a response to the usage of a talent to some one that values the talent. Talent must be discovered, cultivated, deployed and montized. In this light, kingdom wealth is the transaction of a developed talent rending a service to some one that is willing to pay for the usage of the talent of the individual. The quality of the excellence your talent can generate will determine the quality of wealth you can command. Undeveloped talent is the beginning of poverty. No body is poor; we only have individual who lacks the discovery of their talent. Talent is not enough, you must constantly add skil