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Dear Writers (Part 1)

Writing can be a story telling, mind exposure, and a mission to help people to unlearn, relearn, improve, repair or adjust a specific idea or knowledge.

Writing is a an inborn talent and to others, it is a skill that can be learnt. It is the act of expressing your ideas and thoughts for the benefit of the reader.

Writing is not a game but an assignment. To some people, it's a war to attack a wrong idea. To some people, it's a rescue mission. To some people, it is a protect an idea. To some people, it is a mission to expose wrong knowledge.

Irrespective of all I have written to introduce the art of writing, I will like to classify writing into two dimension; informative writing and instructional writing.

Every healthy article or book must contain the informative and instructional dimension to help the reader to become and practice the knowledge gotten.

Irrespective of the knowledge you are giving via writing, if your reader lacks the knowledge of practicing the knowledge shared by you, you have failed as a writer.

The major goal of a writing is to expose the truth and instruct the readers on how to practice the truth or knowledge passed across by your write up, article or book.

Vision or End expectations of the writer is the strength of the writers consistency. As a healthy writer, you can't function via mood swing. You must operate via necessity. Writing is not what you engage in what you feel like but a practice you engage due to the necessity behind exposing the truth or idea in your mind.

IDENTITY: This is the first thing you must define as a writer. Who are you? We have many writers but what makes you different and unique from other writers. This is the place you must learn to pay attention to your passion, your curiosity and interest in life. You can't be a healthy writer without a specific defined identity. What's the subject matter you are an expert? What is the subject matter that hold your greatest heart beat, curiosity or passion?

Find your triggering subjective and build a legacy on it.

Depending on mood to writing is for the learners. As an expert, you get your inspiration from your passion and not from mood. There is a place you can train your mind to switch to any mood you decide, at any place, and at any time. Here is where discipline and vision meets.

Many people have made wrong decisions because some one, some where denied them the knowledge they needed.

Many people are struggling and in pain because the person with the idea that should have been written is making excuses instead of writing it out.

Alot of struggles of this generation is connected to lazy writer and undiscovered writers delaying and denying this generation, the ideas and knowledge God deposited in them for the usage of this generation.

As a healthy writer, you must outgrow mood swings into the world of necessity. When you understand the urgency of your passion and the demand of the idea or knowledge God has entrusted in you to offer this generation, necessity will become your concern.

Ideas are slippery and procrastinating in developing on them, creates more harm than good. Here is what each writer needs to know. Every idea in you is needed in a season and specific time God has ordained it to reach some certain people as a solution to their problem. Your inability to beat the time frame and expectation, makes you fail as a writer.

The idea in you was given to you by God. Don't you ever think you have the right to decide when to write and when to relax. The owner of your idea (God) programmed your idea to solve a specific problem at a specific time, and to a specific set of people. If you fail, God can raise some body else to meet up with the deadline or those people suffers till you arise to make those idea available to them.

Prince Victor Matthew
Hope Expression Hub 


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